Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rough Day

November 26
Rough Day!

can I repeat?


may I vent? Today spike had off, YAY! So this morning I had long ago planned to get a physical. So I get one, no real drama, just a flu shot, a tetnus shot, and they drew blood. A little human pin cushion going on. THen I had to race home, grab spike and Aidan and get to the eye doctor for my post-nightmare check up. (All's good in the eye dept!) then race over to get Jake at preschool. THen back to middletown to get our family christmas picture taken. The appt was at 3. We managed to get there 10 minutes early even. Feeling confident--the kids played for a while and all was good. Tick tock tick tock. 40 minutes later we'll still sitting there in our pretty, coordinated sweaters. The kids are now losing their minds. We ask the chick how much longer it will be and she gives us a fairly bitchy '5 minutes'. Well...a bit later she's calling over help for some computer glitch, Jake is crawling on the floor and Aidan is slamming into us...we call it a day and leave with NO PICTURES TAKEN. UGH.

then we putz around the mall and get McDonalds. crap. And I feel all beat up. I guess the flu shot or the tetnus, or both. But I'm exhausted. But score one for us, we got some Christmas shopping done with the kids right there!

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