Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The BIG news!

Okay, Big news time...

Baby 3 is on the way. Yes, I know, we're nuts. I had a miscarriag in March and I've had a few complications earlier in the pregnancy so we haven't really told many people. But I'm at the 11 week mark in 2 days so we feel confident to share our news.

Our due date is January 15. I always swore I'd never have a january baby because I hated being one, but hey, what can you do?

We're really looking forward to the baby and while I secretly wish for a girl (okay, not so secretly), I pretty much know that I'll be the new host of "My Three Sons".

About Time!

Okay, so it's been a few months. Fell of the blog wagon. A lot's been going on!

Jake graduated preschool earlier this month. It was a beautiful, cool day here and it was an adorable, if not chaotic, ceremony. I can't believe I didn't cry, but there was a lot going on. The kids sang short versions of "You are My Sunshine" and this song called "Kindergarten in the Fall" that was just adorable. The valedictorian gave a short speech, no I'm just kidding. The graduation was in a church and let's just say that picture taking was not at its easiest. Jake did really well, even sang ALL the songs and he was dancing his own funny dance most of the ceremony. And the school gave us each an 11 X 14 color photo of each kid in a cap and gown as a surprise memento. It was so sweet I couldn't believe it. Jake was jazzed because they had cake and juice after.