Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The BIG news!

Okay, Big news time...

Baby 3 is on the way. Yes, I know, we're nuts. I had a miscarriag in March and I've had a few complications earlier in the pregnancy so we haven't really told many people. But I'm at the 11 week mark in 2 days so we feel confident to share our news.

Our due date is January 15. I always swore I'd never have a january baby because I hated being one, but hey, what can you do?

We're really looking forward to the baby and while I secretly wish for a girl (okay, not so secretly), I pretty much know that I'll be the new host of "My Three Sons".


K said...

Congrats!! What a nice surprise that was when i checked your blog! I'm so happy for you & Spike! What is your due date?

K said...

Oops- just saw your due date is written in. I was so excited for you, I must have missed it! :)