Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pre-Wedding Jitters

Well, they aren't my pre-wedding jitters necessarily, but there's excitement in the air for my sister's wedding. It's coming this weekend and it will be quite an event. It's a double ceremony, Tamil and a quicky justice of the peace ceremony. Corinna and the boys are in the wedding and I am a bridesmaid.  I can't wait to see the kids all dolled up and celebrating. It's been a while since they've seen their aunts. We are finishing our last minute pre-wedding trip errands and packing for the event. What an exciting time. Corinna will be a flower girl, Aidan a ring bearer, and Jake will play a special role in the Hindu ceremony.

It is sort of an event bookend to the summer. The 2010 summer has proven to be one of the wildest, most unpredictable summers I can remember. With all the excitement of the summer, it will be awesome to get everyone on a schedule again. I'm sure once we're in the throws of my cake classes starting back up, Jake's soccer games, Corinna's My Gym, Aidan's gymnastics....homework, lunches, and all that, I'll long for the "lazy" days of summer. However, the schedule and routine sounds pretty appealing.

Some big news on our end, Miss Not Quite 20 months used the potty! Incriminating picture to prove it! (however, in the interest of not totally embarrassing her, I subbed in this picture) It appears to be a one time thing, but we got pretty excited at the thought of one day not changing diapers for the first time in 7+ years!

I am so happy to report that Jake has fallen in love with reading. For the first time, he is eager to sit down and read the first book he's reading 100% on his own. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. he loves it and it seems perfect for someone his age. I LOVE seeing a picture like this!

Aidan is gearing up for his Kindergarten orientation soon and is excited to ride the bus and be with the 'big kids' at school. He's been sitting on his own and working on his kindergarten book that he begged for. So it's been fun to watch him so excited. How did it happen so fast!

Home Sweet Home

The cardboard box or two in every room is a clear sign that we aren't fully settled in just yet.
But, the boys are registered in their new school, the post office is forwarding our mail, and little knick-knacks are filling the shelves. The official close date on this house was July 23 and though the monsoon-like rain slowed things down a bit, that's when we moved into the new digs. It's a great house with lots of room. It's in an adorable neighborhood bustling with people, dogs, and kids. (though no ice cream truck yet, how odd!)

Spike is settling into life working from home. Either the cat or dog spends the majority of the day with him in the office. Even Corinna understands that 'daddy's at work now' when he goes upstairs. This was not an easy move, but we had lots and lots of help which made this crazy transition that much easier. It's hard for me to get used to life in the 'burbs. The pace of things is very different for us than it was in Westtown. It's all just a bit faster here.

As cliche as it sounds there are mornings when I wake up wondering whose room I'm in and miss our old home terribly and there are other mornings when I wake up and feel like I've lived here my whole life.