Friday, December 7, 2007

The joy of my colonoscopy

Oh joy of joys. Today was colonoscopy day! Yesterday was actually more fun. I got to fast and takes lots of laxatives. What a joyous treat. The cool part was that the boys wanted their usual barrage of snacks and mini-meals throughout the day so I literally couldn't get away from food as much as I wanted to. The procedure today wasn't too bad, but yesterday sucked. I tried to get them to give me as much sedatives as possible so I could be knocked out for days. Nothing like a few days of drug induced sleep to look forward to. However, they only gave me enough to get through the procedure. stinkers. I'll know in about 2 weeks the results of the biopsies and stuff. Good times.

Believe I am officially done with Christmas shopping even though my dad and Tara have just barely now sent out their lists.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Hell of a 2-Hour Delay

All last night I had been wishing for at least a 2-hour delay today. Reduced to the mentality of a middle schooler who has test the next day...I sat up, staring at the windy night, praying for a snow day or delay. There was no great reason...nothing I was dreading....I just couldn't face another monday. I didn't want to deal with the boys and the snow and the jackets and car seats.

SO the old attidge goes 'careful what you wish for'.

I heard the speed-reading voice of the morning DJ...rushing through the ever growing list of delays and cancellations. A-HA there it was..."Minisink Schools: 2-Hour Delay". Well, I was practically dancing now. I had visions of a relaxing morning, with no rushing. Of course that didn't happen. We made the same mad dash to the car that we always do. It was just two hours 10:45. And now it was cold and there was a huge puddle on the floor of the garage that was unavoidable. Off we go to Field of Dreams Preschool. Pull up. Parking lot nearly empty. Hm...this can't be good. There, on the door was a small sign saying that on delay days school would start at NOON. So, ugh...turn around, spend 1/2 an hour at home. Repeat. Then return again 2 hours later to pick up Jake. Add in a fit from Aidan in the lobby of the school and you have the makings of a fantasticly exhausting afternoon.

Luckily I have this all to look forward to again tomorrow--bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be kids.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Blog?

So I got a blog
So out of the blue today, I decide, "hey I need a blog". Words, of course, I thought were ridiculous prior to this. I'm a stay at home mom who enjoys going to bed at 8:30 and bad reality tv. Why on earth would I need a blog. But the way I figure it, I've been pledging to myself that I would keep a journal for years and I never do. And since I type 100 times faster than writing, this seemed to be a good fit. I don't care if no one ever reads this. It's mostly for me to track things. I hope to capture some of my days, crazy as they are, and have them to tell the boys about. Share with them a detailed account of growing up maybe. Wouldn't that have been cool to read about your own childhood like that. I mean, a blog is essentially an estension of scrapbooking journaling, so why not. So woah, a blog entry completed. My first.

Thanksgiving 2007

Thanksgiving 2007
Thanksgiving was nice this year, but still filled with a bit of drama. The day before, Lainie had just gotten here and I was giving the boys their lunch.
I was making the boys their nuggets and of course they were going bonkers and couldn't wait for the nuggets to cool. So I grab a paper plate and begin to fan the nuggets. Once they were cool, I was fooling around and fanned the kids in their face. Jake asked if he could 'cool my face'. Okay...well, two seconds later I'm writhing in pain on the floor after Jake accidentally slices my OPEN eye with the paper plate. Aside from labor, this is the most pain I have ever been in. I couldn't open my eye, it wouldn't stop tearing, and it felt like a bee was trapped under my eye lid and was just stinging away. So I call spike, he has the brilliant suggestion to go to the doctor.

A few hours later and it turns out I have a superficial tear across the entire center of my eye. I have to put antibiotic drops in 4 times a day and pain killer drops in as well. I also have an eye lubricant and the best of all...the cherry on the eye injury sundae....a patch! I have to keep my eye closed for 2 days (blinking is bad) so I have a self adhesive patch, which is like stronger than a band-aid and hurts like hell when I tear it off my eye each time I have to apply medicine.

Yippee. Thank god Lainie had just gotten home when it happened and in a bizarre twist, my dad was home, too. So my dad took me to the dr, while Lainie stayed with the boys.

At least I didn't have 100 people coming for thanksgiving the next day.

Thanksgiving day, I was pretty out of commission. I know it was an eye injury, but I felt like crap all over. I still had very blurred vision out that eye and no depth perception. So basically, I was useless. Luckily, Tara and Lainie took over cooking and we had a great day with tons of food. We slow roasted the bird again and it came out pretty good. I forced Jake to watch the parade. He actually got excited when Santa arrived. Hard to explain that it's another month or so until he actually comes to the house.

World Famous Crescent Roll Ups

November 24
Cresent Meltaways
Mom's world famous German Crescent roll-ups.

Crescent Meltaways (make day before or early in day)
1 pkg 8 Oz creamed cottage cheese
1/2 lb of butter or margarine (1cup)
2 Cups All purpose flour
1/4 cup melted butter or margarine
3/4 cup lite brown sugar packed
dash cinnamon
3/4 cup finely chopped walnuts
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons water

in medium bowl blend cottage cheese with 1 cup butter-sift flour and blend until dough forms a ball.

start to heat over to 400 degrees F, grease cookie sheet

divide dough into thirds. Roll 1/3 into 1/8inch thick and circular in shape.

Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with 1/4 cup brown sugar, cinnamon (which she wrote basically a 'c' and then 8 squiggles) , 1/4 cup chopped nuts

Cut circle into 16 pie shaped pieces, begin at outer edge, roll up each piece tightly , then place, point side down, on cookie sheet.

beat egg yolk with water, then use to brush tops of cookie, bake about 20 minutes or until golden.

repeat with out 2/3rds of dough,

4 dozen.

Rough Day

November 26
Rough Day!

can I repeat?


may I vent? Today spike had off, YAY! So this morning I had long ago planned to get a physical. So I get one, no real drama, just a flu shot, a tetnus shot, and they drew blood. A little human pin cushion going on. THen I had to race home, grab spike and Aidan and get to the eye doctor for my post-nightmare check up. (All's good in the eye dept!) then race over to get Jake at preschool. THen back to middletown to get our family christmas picture taken. The appt was at 3. We managed to get there 10 minutes early even. Feeling confident--the kids played for a while and all was good. Tick tock tick tock. 40 minutes later we'll still sitting there in our pretty, coordinated sweaters. The kids are now losing their minds. We ask the chick how much longer it will be and she gives us a fairly bitchy '5 minutes'. Well...a bit later she's calling over help for some computer glitch, Jake is crawling on the floor and Aidan is slamming into us...we call it a day and leave with NO PICTURES TAKEN. UGH.

then we putz around the mall and get McDonalds. crap. And I feel all beat up. I guess the flu shot or the tetnus, or both. But I'm exhausted. But score one for us, we got some Christmas shopping done with the kids right there!

Gingerbread House

November 29
Gingerbread House
So Jake basically brow beat me into decorating the gingerbread house IMMEDIATELY after school today. We had put it together last night, but it needed to set up over night. I was hesitant to tackle a project with this type of 'mess factor' without at least Spike home to watch Aidan. Turns out Aidan was as into it as Jake. Jake was really skilled. He even used a piping bag! Aidan did well, too. Though he mostly sorted out the chocolate wafers and managed to drop an incredible number of itty bitty sprinkle balls on the floor.

They 'helped' me put it together the night before. That was actually really hard with Aidan because you basically have to hold the sides together for a little bit while the icing hardens. Aidan kept pushing on them and knocking them over to which Jake would scream at him. But as far as decorating, I basically put the icing on the pieces and they put them in place. I helped the put straight lines on the roof, but they did all the rest of the house. I even got crafty and while Jake was at school, Aidan and I melted green colored chocolate wafers into a mold that I got so they would look like the christmas trees. Again, not something that a two year old should do. He was less then patient.