Saturday, December 1, 2007

Gingerbread House

November 29
Gingerbread House
So Jake basically brow beat me into decorating the gingerbread house IMMEDIATELY after school today. We had put it together last night, but it needed to set up over night. I was hesitant to tackle a project with this type of 'mess factor' without at least Spike home to watch Aidan. Turns out Aidan was as into it as Jake. Jake was really skilled. He even used a piping bag! Aidan did well, too. Though he mostly sorted out the chocolate wafers and managed to drop an incredible number of itty bitty sprinkle balls on the floor.

They 'helped' me put it together the night before. That was actually really hard with Aidan because you basically have to hold the sides together for a little bit while the icing hardens. Aidan kept pushing on them and knocking them over to which Jake would scream at him. But as far as decorating, I basically put the icing on the pieces and they put them in place. I helped the put straight lines on the roof, but they did all the rest of the house. I even got crafty and while Jake was at school, Aidan and I melted green colored chocolate wafers into a mold that I got so they would look like the christmas trees. Again, not something that a two year old should do. He was less then patient.

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