Friday, December 7, 2007

The joy of my colonoscopy

Oh joy of joys. Today was colonoscopy day! Yesterday was actually more fun. I got to fast and takes lots of laxatives. What a joyous treat. The cool part was that the boys wanted their usual barrage of snacks and mini-meals throughout the day so I literally couldn't get away from food as much as I wanted to. The procedure today wasn't too bad, but yesterday sucked. I tried to get them to give me as much sedatives as possible so I could be knocked out for days. Nothing like a few days of drug induced sleep to look forward to. However, they only gave me enough to get through the procedure. stinkers. I'll know in about 2 weeks the results of the biopsies and stuff. Good times.

Believe I am officially done with Christmas shopping even though my dad and Tara have just barely now sent out their lists.

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