Monday, December 3, 2007

The Hell of a 2-Hour Delay

All last night I had been wishing for at least a 2-hour delay today. Reduced to the mentality of a middle schooler who has test the next day...I sat up, staring at the windy night, praying for a snow day or delay. There was no great reason...nothing I was dreading....I just couldn't face another monday. I didn't want to deal with the boys and the snow and the jackets and car seats.

SO the old attidge goes 'careful what you wish for'.

I heard the speed-reading voice of the morning DJ...rushing through the ever growing list of delays and cancellations. A-HA there it was..."Minisink Schools: 2-Hour Delay". Well, I was practically dancing now. I had visions of a relaxing morning, with no rushing. Of course that didn't happen. We made the same mad dash to the car that we always do. It was just two hours 10:45. And now it was cold and there was a huge puddle on the floor of the garage that was unavoidable. Off we go to Field of Dreams Preschool. Pull up. Parking lot nearly empty. Hm...this can't be good. There, on the door was a small sign saying that on delay days school would start at NOON. So, ugh...turn around, spend 1/2 an hour at home. Repeat. Then return again 2 hours later to pick up Jake. Add in a fit from Aidan in the lobby of the school and you have the makings of a fantasticly exhausting afternoon.

Luckily I have this all to look forward to again tomorrow--bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, there'll be kids.

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