Monday, June 15, 2009

Corinna is 5 months old today!

Welcome sun! For the first time in ages, we are having a sunny day. It still managed to rain a bit this morning, but with any luck we'll be done with rain for a little while. Jake had his very first school field trip to the zoo this morning. Aidan had his last full day of preschool and Corinna turned 5 months old today!

Corinna's fifth month was pretty exciting. She went on her first long car ride...a trip to Syracuse to meet her babci, grandparents, and cousins. Little Miss McGrabby tries to grab whatever she can reach...our drinks and food are her favorites. She rolled over, too! And now that she rolls over, she LOVES grabbing her feet. They have become a built-in toy! She is enjoying baby rice cereal more than oatmeal, but finally more is staying in her mouth than falling out. She likes holding the spoon and trying to feed herself, she gets pretty angry if she can't hold the spoon. Hopefully not a sign of things to come! She is still sleeping wonderfully (keep those fingers crossed). She really likes to be outside, so trips to the park with her brothers are pretty cool. And she LOVES her brothers. A few times recently she's been fussy and we couldn't figure out what was going on, but we put her closer to her brothers and the smiles returned. She's doing more and more each day, it's so cool to watch. I know she'll be sitting soon. She can balance for a few more seconds here and there. That must be a great feeling--to sit up on your own--finally. I do keep putting ridiculous little hair accessories in her micro-thin hair. But I can't resist. The cuteness....She's also an official thumb sucker now and puts herself to sleep hugging her bunny "Bun-Bun" and sucking her thumb. As opposed to her brothers who screamed incessantly to sleep, this is a brilliant twist.

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