Monday, November 10, 2008

Great Syracuse Weekend

wow-what a weekend. It's hard to believe how much can happen in 30 hours. The ride up was great, we made it in 3 hours. The boys were SO excited to see their cousins. Kim threw a very nice shower. I am so lucky to have a sister in law like her. My favorite gift this huge ceramic pink piggy bank with tiara and tu-tu, sounds horrible, right, but it's so cute. We got the crib bedding which is so soft I want to sleep on it. Poor spike super stubbed his toe and lost part of his pinky nail and has this awful blood blister. I can't even look it's so gross. I had a ton of braxton hicks contractions this weekend and even leaked a little milk. I'm guessing it's my body reacting to the crying of Kaitlin.

Oh, and Aidan was dressed in his flash costume almost the entire time.

Since we wouldn't be heading upstate again before christmas, we exchanged gifts a bit early. The toy that we got Kaitlin for christmas, an Elmo toy dressed like a chicken that plays and dances to "the Chicken Dance" alternately thrilled and terrified her. As long as the toy was walking away from her, she was fine...if it walked towards her, she was so scared.

Charlie found a tote of legos in the attic and brought it down. I don't know who was more excited, spike or jake. The legos were from when Kim and Spike were kids. And anthony played with them when he was little. So let's conservatively say they've been in the attic 5+ years in this tote. As they are going through the tote, they came across 6 french fries. Perfect condition! No mold, no decay--nothing. You would never know that they were more than an hour old. I instantly felt gross for ever eating a french fry and pictures my insides filled with old mint condition fries.

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