Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day of School

Holy Emotional Day Batman!
I've managed not to cry so far, but I'm totally on the verge! BOTH boys started school today. Jake headed to kindergarten and Aidan off to preschool. They did GREAT. They were excited and didn't seem nervous at all. Jake got on the bus pleased as punch and just immediately started buckling himself in and Aidan ran into the preschool and started playing with toys. I can not wait to hear the full report back from them both! And now I'm sitting at home with no kids here and it is so weird.


School has been on for a few days now and things are going well. Jake says his favorite things are art and the bus. I'm really surprised about art, I was fully expecting Gym or Recess. He also LOVES math. We really see quite the engineer in him. Aidan was really upset that preschool is only twice a week. He really wants to go 5 days. He gets very sad when Jake gets on the bus in the morning and says he misses him. His preschool teacher says that this is the *BEST* class she's had in years. brag brag. And Jake's kindergarten teacher sent home the sweetest note about Jake today. She said he makes her smile and is a really good friend. Aww shucks. I can't hear enough nice things said about my kids from people not related to them!

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