Tuesday, July 6, 2010

18 Months, Just Not a Fan

There are people who look at toddlers and whistfully say, "Oh I just *LOVE* that age!"

WHAAATTT?? I am convinced that when someone confides in me, after looking at little Miss 18 Months, that they "L-O-V-E" that age-- they are clearly having a short-term memory lapse of what having an 18 month old is like. It is tantrums, and teething, and "MINE!", and "ME DO" and refusals and whining.
It's watching every second because, unlike her brothers, she CLIMBS on EVERYTHING. She is fearless in a way her brothers never were! Let's stand on the kitchen table! Let's jump off the bed! Let's pull the dog's tail--HARD! (Good Buster!!) Let's just never stop moving. Run, Walk, Climb, Pull, Push!

In your eyes Little Corinna, I know it must be hard to be 18 months. Razor sharp teeth are trying to poke their way through your soft gums. You know what you want, but no real way to communicate it. You have a few words, but not enough for us silly grown-ups to decipher. You have no idea what the big deal is if you are standing on the table, holding a glass, or grabbing for knives. You do NOT want to be slowed down for a diaper change OR be buckled in the car seat.

BUT-there are the glimmers of hope that it's not permanent. That it's not all bad...Like when you sleep like an angel in your crib (your brothers never did) sucking your thumb and never far from bun-bun. Or when you light up when you hear daddy come through the front door. Or the run-across-the-room-to-tackle-hug-you move. Or the sweet sound of humming before you fall asleep. Or when you make a joke out of asking everyone in the house to nurse. It's chasing your brothers and watching them give you whatever you want simply because you are cute as anything.

I know that the next year will be rough...welcome terrible twos...followed by the often less pleasant threes. But then, all of the sudden, something changes. Like a magic wand. I know the tantrums will stop (most of them) the watch-like-a-hawk phase dies down, and the 'NO! NO!" goes away mostly. And the funny, energetic, playful side of you will get a chance to shine. But as for now, at 18 months, not a fan........

1 comment:

K said...

In the middle of a move you found time to write a blog post?! I always said that "the terrible twos" began at 18 mths. She's adorabe though! She looks like such a big girl in that bottom picture with the green outfit on.