Thursday, June 24, 2010

Moving Ahead

Ah, so clever with the title...Yes, it seems that it's been quite some time since I have updated the ol' blog. And well, it's because there's been a bit of "craziness" going on around here. End result: We're moving to Syracuse in July. It's been a whirlwind and it's sure to be an adventure once we get there. I'm moving to a house sight unseen! Spike and several other people have gone through it, but I just haven't made it there and won't get a chance to until the closing! The boys are excited about having a new room and a playroom and being by their cousins. I don't think they totally get what's involved in the move. They'll do great, I know it.

Aidan finished up preschool with a really sweet graduation ceremony this week and he's more than ready for kindergarten in the fall. We of course followed up with a much deserved trip to Chuck E. Cheese.

Earlier this month he danced in his first recital and he did GREAT!

Last weekend we FINALLY visited Brooklyn to visit Aunt Tara. The kids had a great time. Though, they were most excited about seeing Taxi Cabs. Every single one they saw, they yelled "TAAAAAXXXXXIIII".

The Gartner Girls

Jake is turning 7 next week and I brought in cupcakes to school to help celebrate. Cupcakes with fondant Cobras and Coral Snakes! EW. But he loved them. Here his class is singing happy birthday to him while his teacher makes him dance marionette style.

Jake is finishing his last day at Minisink Elementary and last day of first grade as I type. It's a bittersweet day all around. The menacing clouds overhead don't do too much to help things, either!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Congrats, Nori, on the move! We will miss you and your wonderful charity crop!