Monday, April 5, 2010

Hoppy Easter

It was a hippity hop good Easter here at the house! The Easter Bunny brought a bunch of cute little things for the kids and hid a few eggs around. Mostly it was great because family was around. Aunt Tara, Aunt Lainie and Uncle Bavan came to spend the day. It was gorgeous out and we spent most of the day outside. We even ate under the gazebo, which Spike had just put the cover on that morning! Here's hoping it doesn't blow down!!

Spike really outdid himself cooking this year. He prepared BBQ chicken and amazing turkey burgers. He also whipped together this fruit salad that was delish! Lainie worked on feeding the fish-eaters...she created a glazed salmon that was a hit. Lainie and Bavan brought an enormous apple pie with them and we all over-indulged. I didn't fare so well in the baking department. I attempted to make my mother's famous easter braided raisin bread for the very first time. Bread yeast and I do not get along. After two sad attempts, I had a half-raised loaf in the garbage. I will not give up though--I will try again!!
The Easter Bunny also learned a lesson yesterday. He is NOT allowed to bring kites for the kids anymore. They seem like such a good idea at the time and it was a nice breezy day, but oh the tangles, and oohh the fighting of the boys with the kites....and the no-fly frustrations...did I mention the fighting??? So kite-free spring from now on!!

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