Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy SicksGiving

It has been determined that at least one person in the house should be sick on thanksgiving. It is pretty well assumed that someone (usually me) is not going to feel their best, though this interesting tradition started waaaay back about 10 years ago with Spike. Just for fun, he decided to get CHICKENPOX as an adult right around thanksgiving. We were still living in the basement at that time, pre-kids. I remember bringing a plate downstairs to him to eat. He couldn't be upstairs because he was so miserable, and we feared contagious.

We did have a good stretch in there, but since then...let's 2005, I was recovering from delivering Aidan about 5 weeks prior and adjusting to life with 2 babies, also nursing for really the first time. In 2007, the day before Thanksgiving, Jake accidentally hit me in the eye with a paper plate, slicing my cornea. I wore a very attractive eye patch for the holiday, and was actually in quite a bit of pain. 2008 had me waddling around, convinced I was having Corinna early.And this year, well a viral infection tore apart my sinuses.

But of course we're still thankful for so many things. Jake said he was thankful "bugs" and Aidan said he was thankful for "Mommy". Corinna LOVED her first thanksgiving and ate more turkey than either of her brothers. Poor Aidan, he sat staring at his plate with the same scared and miserable look that I used to have each holiday when I was little. I used to DREAD coming to the table. I couldn't think of a worse holiday than one centered around food. I've come a long way, but looking into Aidan's eyes I was certainly brought back!!

The weather was so nice that the boys and Corinna went for a nice long walk just as the turkey was finishing. It is such a blessing that we have such a big yard, they explored all over. With the leaves down and the bugs away for the winter, it was pleasant and so much easier!

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