Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy 10 Months Corinna Bina

Corinna has grown up so much this last month! She's walking way more than crawling now, which really just equates to more mischief. She's sneaky! In addition to eating any piece of paper left innocently around, she'll also dive for a ratty ol' pair of shoes, too. It's pretty gross! She trick or treated for the first time in the last month and is pretty much eating regular food when she's not nursing. Corinna loves carbs as much as her mom and grandmother Gartner. She'll take you down for a piece of toast. And speaking of eating, guess who won't stay in her high chair if daddy is home? Yup! She is now obsessed with Spike and if he is home and not holding her or otherwise paying attention to her, there's heck to pay! She's developed quite a personality recently....loves slapstick humor--which thrill her brothers to no end. And we've caught her grooving to songs recently, wiggling her little diaper covered butt to the beat. She's gearing up for her first thanksgiving..stuffing, turkey, potatoes, the more carbs the better!!!

Oh, and check out the hand-on-hip attitude she's giving me in the bib picture!

The little scratch under her eye is from an accidental mis-directed Buster paw. He's so gentle around her always, but she kinda walked right into it. She still loves him so much and always slips him food. However, she remains terrified (literally shakes) when our cat comes around. Not sure what that's about.

1 comment:

K said...

I love her little pigtails!