Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hooray! It's Back to School Day!

It was a heck of a first day of school! Unbeknownst to us, there was a very serious accident just off our road (two people airlifted in helicopters sadly) but it closed the road and made poor Jake's bus 25 minutes late. He was bursting with excitement when we first got down to the bus stop, by the time it actually came, Spike was holding him because he was exhausted from running in circles! But this delay in turn made us late to leave to bring Aidan to his first day of FULL-DAY preschool. And since the road was closed, we had to go a back/longer way. Aidan ran RIGHT into the classroom, found his best friend James and played without a care. Seriously, he barely noticed we left. Kids were crying left and right and they didn't notice! Good for them. I know they'll have fun. Corinna and I are home now. She's sleeping (yahoo!) allowing me to actually sit and eat breakfast and email in peace. What an awesome thing this is! I think they call it "quiet"?

When Aidan got home from school he had the following to report "I got to have recess TWO TIMES" and "Sitting on the mat is boring." so not too much information, but I'm sure I'll hear more as the day goes on. Still waiting for Jake to arrive!

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