Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Corinna is 8 months old, already!

Hard to believe that Little Miss Thing is 8 months already! What a personality she has! She absolutely lights up a room when she smiles. She is very into physical comedy these days with her brothers happily entertaining her by throwing themselves on the floor, pretending to bump things on their head, etc. She suffered through another tooth (3 now) and another ear infection this month. Bless MOTRIN! She's totally mobile now, cruising on tables and pulling herself up on anything she can. We predict she'll attempt walking within this coming month! She's still babbling da-da-da-da and loving it. She's way mischeivous and gets into anything she can. She especially loves paper. Apparently it is tasty as can be. Food-wise though, she's a fan of cheerios and those little puffs. But not so much a fan of actual baby food--hm, a carb lover like her mom!

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