Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jake's a DAD!

Okay, he's not in the Guiness Book of Records for youngest dad officially, but Jake's pet snail, the ever-popular Snaily, had babies! The cuteness! We were away for the weekend and when we came home, 3 baby snails were crawling around. Snails have both male and female reproductive parts but, according to our internet research, couldn't fertilize their own eggs. Snaily had been laying eggs like crazy and Spike and I spent quite a while looking for snails outside to make mommies and daddies, but no luck. So unless Snaily had a mullosk booty call, Snaily changed sexes over the weekend and voila--baby snails. They are about a centimeter big and just so cute! I hope they all make it. I thought triplets would be a lot of hard work, but these are okay!