Sunday, August 2, 2009

First Lost TOOTH!

FINALLY! Jake's tooth had been wiggling for more than a month when it finally came out in his sleep last week (who knew it could do that?). LUCKILY the tooth fairy caught wind of the event and swung in for a late-night job. In speaking with Ms. Fairy last night we learned that her job is a lot easier these days. She used to suffer quite a bit of back pain back in the day when one tooth=one quarter, but with inflation, she has switched over to single dollars. She's more productive and the back pain is gone! We were even able to talk her into leaving the tooth behind for scrapbooking purposes. What a kind woman! What she wouldn't answer though is what she does with all the teeth that she's collected? Is there a black market for children's used teeth?

1 comment:

K said...

Love Jake's face in this pic! Ethan is about to lose his 2nd tooth - mostly likely today or by tomorrow. Both his bottom front teeth will be missing then! so silly looking :)