Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pumpkin Picking Tradition

Today was great! It was a really pretty fall day, sunny and 75, it was Yom Kippur so Jake had off from school, Spike took the day off, and it was Aidan's actual birthday. So lots of reasons to get outside and pick pumpkins. Even though spike is fighting a bad cold and was up all night coughing, he loaded up on dayquil and we tried to take it as easy as possible. We went to the same place we've gone for the last 2 years. But, we tried something new, the hayride to the pumpkin patch. That was a bumpy good time. Jake really wanted a pumpkin he could carve and Aidan wanted one that he could decorate with stickers. Spike ended up carving Jake's pumpkin. I had started, but apparently my work was sub-par so Jake requested that Spike finish up. Aidan named his pumpkin Super-Mega-Mom-Happy-Birthday-Blue's-Clues-Pumpkin. We went with my friend Amy and her son, who is best friends with Aidan.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Finally, an outing where everyone's pants stayed on!