Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Nine Months little lady

Ms. Corinna fancy pants is now 9 months old. And just to be dramatic, she took her first (semi) steps on her 9 month birthday! She is cruising around like crazy and loves rousing games of peekaboo and don't get me started on the crowd pleaser pat-a-cake. She's got 4 teeth right now with a 5th poking through. She still believes her brothers are HILARIOUS and dad has gotten a new found sweet spot in Corinna's eyes. Her favorite activities are continually ripping glasses off of anyone wearing them (her favorites include Jake, Daddy, and Grandpa) and getting into the dog water and food bowl. We've literally had a brand new toy out a few feet away from the dog dish, and she made a bee line for the dog dish. Her middle name could be "persistance" because she doesn't give up. I can't believe it's been 9 months already!!

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