Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Corinna Is 3 Months Today!

Hard to believe that our little girl is 3 months already. This is flying by! She celebrated her first Easter this month and just got her big girl crib ( no more bassinet!). She's actually napping her first nap in her crib as I type! She continues to be such a good girl. She's a sweetie pie who is really smiling and laughing now. She loves to chew on her hands to soothe herself. She's just started to try sitting up within the last week. You can see her abs tighten and she leans forward. She can even balance sitting for a second or two. She's a big girl...last week we weighed her and she was about 15 pounds...making her fit perfectly into size 6 months clothes. She tolerates me constantly changing her clothes and playing dress up. In fact, she even smiles while I'm changing her so I'm thinking she likes it, too. This month she really started to play with a toy that hangs on her vibrating chair. She'll bat it with her hand and it inevitably bops her back in her nose. But she digs it. Happy 3 months, Corinna.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Happy 3 months, Corinna! You're such a cutie :)