Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wrapping and Being Lazy

Twas less than 2 weeks until christmas and all through the house, was stuff to be done...with no motivation! Being 35 weeks pregnant at christmas time is a little less fun than expected. Waddling my way through baking and wrapping and errands in the cold has lost its appeal. Luckily, Spike took Aidan out for a day jam-packed with errand running. Aidan loved the daddy and me time and Jake actually agreed to stay home with little ol' me. We're still in our PJs and couldn't be happier. I'm letting him play Wii and he's letting me scrapbook. I know that quiet time will be limited in a few weeks, so I'm trying to sieze the moment.

Lainie and I did bake the crescent rollups yesterday and they came out delicious. I've eaten far too many.

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